Wellbeing Hub @ Park View
Bringing fit for purpose primary care facilities to Ely and Caeru.

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is planning to build a new integrated Wellbeing Hub at the heart of your community
The new multi-storey building will be joined to the existing Ely and Caerau Hub to create one integrated building. It will enhance all of the services currently on offer in the hub and provide additional health, wellbeing and community-based services including:
• Your GP
• Community Dental Services
• Sexual Health
• Dieticians
• Diabetic Eye Screening Wales clinic
• Community Wound clinic
• District Nurse Treatment room
• Podiatrist (Feet)
• Continence clinic
• Learning Disability services
• Stop Smoking Wales clinic
• Wellbeing Group Rooms
• Community Cafe
• Information and advice centre
• Midwifery and Health Visiting Services
• Speech Language Therapy

Shaping Our Future Wellbeing: In Our Community is a programme that aims to provide improved access to community services and reduce health inequalities across Cardiff and the Vale. Wellbeing Hubs are being designed and delivered through this programme.
This exciting new development is being delivered in collaboration with Cardiff Council and will mean that improvements will also be made to the existing Ely and Caerau Hub. This will enable an expansion of the services provided by the Council, including a new café, library area, shared use wellbeing rooms and a new single welcoming entrance that connects and integrates the services provided by the health Board, partners and the Council. The open space next to the new building will also be improved and a new children’s play area will be provided.
- Outline planning permission was secured in April 2023 and legal agreements are being signed
- A project team including people who use our services, clinicians and partners who provide them are working on the detailed design of how the building will work and look inside.